
03 November 2016

New Bento Box

A few months ago, a friend suggested doing a review of my lunch boxes. I waited for a while because I wasn't super duper happy with any of them. Now I am. So in a few days you will be graced with review of the lunch boxes I have acquired over the last few years.

I picked up a new Bento Box on Etsy recently and I love it.

When I bought the bento box, I also picked up a couple of rice molds that will form rice into Kitty heads or bear heads. Look out for the bear heads soon.

I thought that 900 mL was going to be not quite enough food, but I have been eating out of this box for the last three days and I find that I eat about 1/2 to 3/4 at lunch time and the other portion around 3pm or so. It is perfect.